JOHN WILLIAM HILL (AMERICAN 1812-1897), WATERCOLOR, 1877, 12 3/4" X 13 3/4":View through trees unto a lake scene with a fisher boy; unframed. Includes memorabilia from the estates of John Henry Hill and John William Hill: 1845 Bible of J.W. Hill, tintype of one of the Hills at their easel; July 1, 1892 handwritten letter from J.W. Hill to his brother, J.H. Hill talking about his travels in Scotland, 2 letters from the Tappan Historical Society to Mrs. Charles Hill in 1960 regarding a donation she made; 1954 Historical Society Quarterly, Harper's Jan. 1890; 2 photos of John and Caroline Hill and 6 postcards from c. 1900.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries