French, 19th century. Louis XV (1723-1774) style mahogany bombe serpentine facade three-drawer commode with cast brass mounts, the top comprising of four bookmatched mahogany veneers, the backplates comprising of garland and medallion motifs surmounted by architectural acroteria, the pulls featuring winged putti masks, the keyhole escutcheons surrounded by foliate and c-scroll motifs surmounted by classical urns, the bombe sides adorned with garland mounts with central profile medallions and surmounted by ram's head masks, with scalloped apron and sides, raised on feet with bellflower mounts surmounting brass paterae. Approximate height 32.25", width 43" at widest point of bombe, depth 23". Provenance: From the Estate of Sam & Florence Inman, Atlanta, Georgia.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery