AMERICAN COIN SILVER SPOONS & FORKS, MID 19TH C. , 37 PIECES, L 6 3/4"-8", GORHAM, HARDING AND OTHERS:Comprising 31 spoons and 6 forks; makers include J. J. Bangs (Cincinnati, w. 1829), Bigelow Bros. & Kennard, T. C. Garrett (shell bowl), J. Gorham & Son (2), G. Greene, N. Harding, N. Harding & Co. (shell bowl), Howe & Guion, E. Kinsey (2), E. F. Miller, W. Moulton, Philip Segee, Swortfiguer (4), W. H. Talbott, Towle, Towle & Jones, R. & W. Wilson (5, matching monogram), and others not identified. Totaling approximately 31 troy oz.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries