COPELAND 'SPODE'S TOWER-BLUE' EARTHENWARE DINNER SERVICE, 75 PIECES:Including 13 teacups; 12 saucers, Dia. 6"; 1 creamer and 1 covered sugar bowl; 12 salad plates, Dia. 7 3/4"; 12 bread and butter plates, Dia. 5 3/8"; 8 soup bowls, Dia. 7 3/4"; 12 dinner plates, Dia. 10 5/8"; 1 gravy boat with attached stand; 2 open vegetable bowls, W. 7 7/8", L. 10 1/4" and 1 platter, W. 12", L. 15". With a gadrooned rim and a scenic and floral design in blue, transfer decoration. The majority of the pieces are marked in blue "Copeland Spode's' Tower England" enclosed within an oval, some of which also have impressed marks, and the remaining pieces are marked "Spode England Blue Tower From A Design c. 1814" in black.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries