TED WILLIAMS & RUTH, GEHRIG PHOTO COLLAGES, 2 PCS. , H 19" & 21", W 27" & 29":consists of a collage of two autographed black and white photo copies of Ted Williams one photo depicting Williams batting during a game and the other kneeling in the "on deck" circle; one "Old Judge" Cigarette Card depicting Tommy McCarthy of the St. Louis Browns, 1888-1891, posing as if sliding into base and World Series tickets from 1921 and 1930 games, framed and mounted under glass; second collage consists of signed photo copy Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig posing in charity game uniforms, two "Big League" Chewing Gum baseball cards one of Ruth and one of Gehrig, one b/w 1903 American League Photo, 1908 Chicago League Ball Club press ticket, 1916 World Series ticket, 1917 American League World Series ticket, 1918 World Championship game ticket and a 1919 American League World Series ticket,

Dumouchelle Art Galleries