"CALGARY '88 OLYMPIC CARDS, BUDWEISER FISHING ROD, SIGNED COLOR PHOTO WRESTLER ""LITA"", ETC. , 8 PCS.:includes a Wilson, Jimmy Conner ""Top Spin Speed Flex Fibre Face"" wood tennis racket, with leather grip and stretcher; Deck of cards commemorating the Calgary '88 Olympics; Budweiser ""Ready to Fish"" fishing rod, 1995; Palazzo Di Bocce Pamphlet & Official Rules & Regulations of Bocce; ""Pistol Pete"" Sampras autographed ""Sports Illustrated"" Magazine, July 11, 1994; Harley Davidson USA Postcard pictures of different motorcycle models, mounted on faux marble plaque; Detroit Tiger Pepsi duffle bag and signed color photo of female wrestler ""Lita"";" (rev.20081212)

Dumouchelle Art Galleries