SCHOENHUT 'HUMPTY DUMPTY CIRCUS' FIGURES & ACCESSORIES, C. 1910-20, 50 PIECES APPROX.:Including 1 white horse, 1 pig, 1 brown horse, 1 donkey, 1 Arabian one-hump camel, 1 Bactrian two-hump camel, 1 elephant, 1 lion, 1 hippopotamus, 1 tiger, 1 giraffe, 1 zebra, 1 sea lion, 1 carved-mane buffalo, 1 hobo, 1 black-faced monkey, 1 lady rider (no clothes), 1 lion tamer with hat (no clothes), 1 lion tamer with bisque head, 1 lady rider with clothes, 1 Chinaman acrobat, 1 clown, and 4 character figures including Max and Moritz; 2 flexible cages, H.9 1/4", 1 adjustable tight-rope and the original instruction book. Also, the original owner's play programs and scripts, c. 1925 (the Estate of David Keever).

Dumouchelle Art Galleries