MINTON PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE, 63 PIECES:Including 8 teacups (plus 3 with damaged/detached feet and 1 with a chip to the foot) and 11 saucers (plus 1 cracked), Dia. 5 1/2"; 10 cream soups (plus one with a chipped foot) and 10 under plates (plus 2 with flakes/losses to the glaze at the rim), Dia. 6 1/8"; 12 bread and butter plates, Dia. 6 1/8" and 12 dinner plates, Dia. 10 5/8". Each is marked on the underside with Minton trademark logo that is surrounded with "St. Louis Glass & Queensware Co." (stamped) and "H4051" hand painted in red.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries