STERLING SILVER SALTS, SPOONS, NAPKIN RINGS, ETC. 23 PCS.:includes: one Tiffany & Co. Sterling silver open salt, 0.73 tr oz., 1" H. x 1 3/4" dia; one Tiffany & Co. small engraved dish, 0.67 tr oz., 3" dia; two Gorham nut dishes, 1.09 & 1.12 tr oz, 1" H. x 2 1/2" dia; two Whiting Sterling silver open salts with floral designs in relief, 0.48 and 0.54 tr oz, 1" H x 1 3/4" dia; two English Sterling napkin rings, Chester, 1919, 0.35 & 0.38 tr oz; 3/4" H x 1 3/4" dia; one Woods and Hughs Sterling silver napkin ring engraved: "Nellie", 1 1/4" H x 1 3/4" dia (damage at weld as is); one unmarked Sterling silver napkin ring, engraved with acanthus leaves and "Charlotte", 0.96 tr oz, 1 1/2" H x 1 3/4" dia; crease at weld; one Sterling silver napkin ring marked "S" and engraved with vines, flowers and "Oscar", 0.77 tr 0z., 1 1/4" H. x 1 1/2" dia; one Watrous Sterling Silver Co oval shape napkin ring, engraved "ASM", 0.54 tr oz., 3/4" H x 2 1/2" L; two Whiting Sterling Silver Co. open salt spoons, 0.06 tr oz each, 2" L; three Towle Sterling Silver Co. baby spoons and one fork, 0.67, 0.51 & 0.57 tr oz., 4 1/4" & 3 1/2" L; Sheffield Sterling Silver sugar tongs made by Mappin and Webb, 1826 date mark, 3 3/4" L; five Sheffield Sterling Silver demitasse spoons made by Mappin and Webb, date letter 1825;

Dumouchelle Art Galleries