BING & GRONDAHL, DANISH & GERMAN PORCELAIN CHRISTMAS & COMMEMORATIVE PLATES, 1958-1987, 20 PIECES:Bing & Grohdahl plates include 1 1958"Santa Claus" plate, Dia. 7 1/8"; 1 1962"Oldtidsminde" plate, Dia. 7 1/8"; 1 1969 ""Arrival of Christmas Guests" plate, Dia. 7 1/4"; 1 1970 "The Royal Palace" plate, Dia. 9 1/8"; 1 1970 "Pheasants in the snow at Christmas" plate, Dia. 7 1/4"; 1 1973 "Country Christmas Limited Edition" plate, Dia. 7 1/8"; 1 1975 "Christmas at the old Water-Mill" plate, Dia. 7 1/4"; 1 1976 "Christmas Welcome" plate, Dia. 7 1/4"; 1 1977 "Copenhagen Christmas" plate, Dia. 7 1/8"; 1 1978 "A Christmas Tale" plate, Dia. 7 1/4"; 1 1895-1980 "Happiness over the Yule Tree", Dia. 9 1/8"; 1 1985 ""Christmas Eve at the Farmhouse" plate, Dia. 7 1/8"; 1 1986 "Silent Night Holy Night" plate, artist signed, Dia. 7 1/8"; 1 1988 "Hans Christian Andersen in the Kings Garden" plate, Dia. 7 1/8" and 1 1996 "Winter at the Old Mill" plate, Dia. 7 1/4". Other plates included are 1 "Marmorkirken Danmark Kirke Platten Made in Germany Baco" plate, Dia. 7 7/8"; 3 plates by Desiree (Denmark) from 1974, 1978 and 1979, Dia. 7 1/2" and 1 Bing & Grondahl/Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate 1987, Dia. 8 1/4".

Dumouchelle Art Galleries