AUTOGRAPHED LETTER BY HUGH M. CLARK APRIL 5,1946 PANE FOUR POSTAL TELEGRAPH STAMPS,REGISTERED #2070,:Scott Publications, Inc., One West Forty-Seventh Street, New York, 19, N.Y. - Postage Stamp catalogues, albums and books. - - - Hugh M. Clark . . . President / Theresa M. Clark . . Vice -president - - Arthur C. Zimmermann . . Treasurer / Dated-Letter: April 5, 1946 - - written to; Mr. A. L. Buskirk, at 407 Church Street, Chillicothe, Ohio. - - - - inscribed "Dear Mr. Buskirk: Thank you very much for your letter of April 1st sending on for my inspection the pane of four of the Postal Telegraph Stamps. Have noted this for mention in the next edition of the Catalogue and very glad to have seen it. Return the pane enclosed, Registered, with sincere thanks for bringing to my attention. - Very Truly Yours, Scott Publications, Inc. Hugh M. Clark" Signed and Autographed. - (HMC: JK/Retreg.). Also Along with Letter are the 4-Postage Postal Telegraph Stamps Original Gum, OG, included.

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