DANISH STERLING & SILVER FLATWARE, INCLUDING GEORG JENSEN & A. MICHELSEN, 16 PIECES, L 3 1/2"-8 1/2":Miscellaneous pieces include 7 cocktail forks and 2 cocktail picks by Georg Jensen in the "Blossom" pattern, with various markings including Georg Jensen & Wendell, 4 pieces by Anton Michelsen with enamel, including a fork and knife set and two non-matching spoons one also stamped "Paul Rene Gauguin", 2 spoons, one in a similar style to Jensen's Blossom pattern, with mark of Fir. Munksgaard (Faborg, 1970-1973) and one stamped "Jens Andersen Denmark", and 1 serving spoon stamped with maker's mark "JCA" and with Christian H. Heise's assayer's mark. Totaling approximately 11.615 trz.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries