American, first quarter 20th century. A framed presentation of the signed program for President Elect William Taft's honorary banquet held in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15th, 1909. Presentation includes display of each page of the banquet program, including cover, which is decorated with the seal of Atlanta at center flanked on left by seal of Georgia and on right by seal of Ohio, Taft's home state, all below a golden eagle, with inscription below seals "Banquet in honor of William Howard Taft President Elect of the United States of America, by the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, The Auditorium, Friday evening, January fifteenth, nineteen hundred and nine". In a separate cartouche beside the program's front is a black and white photographic portrait of Taft in a coat and tie with autograph in black pen below photo. Three rows of program pages are displayed below the cover and photo and include the list of speakers for the night (Asa Candler, Robert Maddox, Hoke Smith, William Taft, and Thomas Jones), the menu (a six-course meal with alcoholic accompaniments), and a list of over 500 illustrious guests (including, among others, prominent Atlanta citizens, journalists, judges, businessman, and philanthropists). Overall framed dimensions approximately 43 3/8 x 36 1/2, each cartouche sight size approximately 7 1/4 x 5 1/2.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery