AUTOGRAPHED MOVIE POSTERS, +5 UNSIGNED, 12 PCS. , 40' X 27": various autographed posters including: "Brokeback Mountain" signed by Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Linda Cardellini, Anna Fans, Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams and Randy Quaid; second poster, "Fight Club" signed by Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter, author Chuck Palahniuk, Meat Loaf, the third is an ABC television advertising poster, "The Oscars", February 25, 2007 signed by Celine Dion, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Clint Eastwood, Leonardo DiCaprio, Peter Otoole, Will Smith, Judy Dench, Meryl Streep, Kate Winslett, Djimon Hounsou, Jackie Earl Haley, Eddy Murphy and Ben Affleck; fourth poster from the movie "Mary Poppins" signed by: Julie Andrews, Dick VanDyke, Marnie Nixon, Glynis Johns, Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman; fifth poster, "Blades Of Glory" signed by: Will Ferrell, John Heder, Amy Poehler, Jenna Fischer and Craig T. Nelson; sixth movie poster "Dream Girls" signed by: Beynonce, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy and Danny Glover; seventh poster "Life Of Brian" signed by: Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam, John Cleese, Michael Palen, Carol Cleveland, Terrance Bayler and Eric Idle, all seven have certificates of authenticity; plus five unsigned posters, "As You Like It", starring Sir Lawrence Olivier, "Men In Her Diary" starring Peggy Ryan, John Hall and Louise Allbritton, "Till The End Of Time" starring Dorothy McGuire and Guy Madison, "The Eve Of Saint Mark" Read more…

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