20th century Louis XVI style ormolu mounted mahogany Commode a Vantaux, in the manner of Guillaume Benneman, the molded and shaped green marble top with outset corners and incurvate sides over a conforming case with oak leaf frieze above a pair of doors applied with a mask of Medusa surmounted by a plumed helmet, quivers of arrows, flags, battle axes and meandering foliage opening to reveal a shelved interior flanked by the angles formed as ribbon-tied arrow clusters, above a straight apron cast with bands of entrelac, on hairy paw feet on discs. Height 37", width 61", depth 22.75. This commode is a copy of the commode supplied by Guillaume Benneman for Louis XVI's apartments at Compiègne in 1786. The original was probably made by Sauvage for the Comte de Provence and was later adapted by Benneman under the instruction of Hauré for Louis XVI's Cabinet du Conseil at Fontainebleau, where it remains today (see J. Meuvret et al., French Cabinet Makers of the Eighteenth Century, 1963, p. 309).

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery