C. 1764 EARLY PRINTED MAP OF DETROIT, 8 1/4" X 12 1/3", "LA RIVIERE DU DETROIT"Depuis le lac Saint Claire jusqu'an Lac Erie" "Echelle de deux Lieues Communes. Tome1 , No. 12. French. Dated by Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles and described in their July 9, 2011 catalogue as: "First Printed Map of Detroit, c. 1764. La Rivière du Détroit Depuis le Lac Sainte Claire jusqu'au Lac Erié. Engraved for Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703-72) after Ensign Gaspard-Joseph Chaussegros de Léry.___ Date depicted: 1749. Published in Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Le Petit Atlas Maritime (5 vols., Paris, 1764), vol. 1, map 12 (at upper right: 'Tome I. No. 12'). A plan of the fort of Detroit designates the Commandant's quarters, the guardhouse, the church, the powder magazine, and the quarters of the chaplain."

Dumouchelle Art Galleries