US COLLECTION - COLUMBIAN EXPO, U. N. REG. ISSUE DUCK STAMPS, 1ST DAY COVERS, POSTAGE SHEET:America's cup races-sailboats, Olympics, plate blocks, uncut postcards, international postage envelope, pairs, singles, . No hinge, hinge, uncanceled, unused perforated, imperforated, sets, mini sheets, color errors, one box of folders, packets and albums. U.N. souvenir folders containing stamps. N.Y. 1972-'89. Full set U-4R. Ex-collection Fred Weber. - - - - COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION / UNITED NATIONS / DUCK STAMPS /AIR MAIL / Etc. - - America's Cup Sail Races / Olympics / First Day Covers / Booklets / Plate Blocks / Singles / Uncut Postcards / Pairs / international Postage Envelopes / Unused / Canceled / No Hinge / Hinged / Over-prints / Full Postage Sheets and Mini-sheets / Perf / imperf / Sets / color errors. - Also included United Nations Souvenir Folders containing stamps N.Y. 1972-89.Full Set,(U4/R). One Box of Folders, Packets, & Albums. EX. COLLECTION OF FRED WEBER.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries