WALLACE 'ROSE POINT' STERLING FLATWARE, 135 PIECES:Including 16 bouillon spoons, L. 5 7/8", approximately 17.0 total trz; 16 teaspoons, L. 6", approximately 13.30 total trz; 12 fruit spoons (with smooth edges, not serrated) , L. 6", approximately 11.30 total trz; 2 demitasse spoons, L. 3 7/8", approximately 0.60 total trz; 16 dinner forks, L. 7", approximately 24.0 total trz; 16 knives with hollow sterling handles, L. 9 1/8"; 16 salad forks, L. 6 1/4", approximately 18.0 total trz; 12 seafood forks, L. 5 5/8", approximately 7.09 total trz; 13 butter spreaders, L. 5 1/2", approximately 10.10 total trz; 1 master butter knife, L. 7", approximately 1.13 trz; 2 sugar shovels, L. 6 1/8", approximately 2.10 total trz; 6 serving spoons, L. 8 3/8", approximately 12.50 total trz; 1 pierced serving spoon, L. 8 3/8", approximately 2.06 trz; 1 sauce ladle, L. 5 3/4", approximately 1.82 trz; 1 server with shell form bowl and hollow sterling handle, L. 9 7/8"; 1 meat fork, L. 8", approximately 2.26 trz; 1 pair of sugar nips, L. 3 3/4, approximately 0.72 trz and 1 carving set with hollow sterling handles (fork and knife), L. 9 1/4" & 10 1/4".

Dumouchelle Art Galleries