COALPORT PORCELAIN "INDIAN TREE" PATTERN PARTIAL SERVICE, 51 PCS. pieces with the green Coalport mark include: ten luncheon plates, 9" Dia., ten saucers, one salad plate, 7 1/2" Dia., one dinner plate, 10 1/2" Dia., seven tea cups, one small bowl, 6" Dia., one oval condiment dish, 5" L., two berry bowls, 5" Dia., one creamer, 4" H., one covered sugar, 5" H., one salt shaker, one pepper shaker, one square shape serving dish with ear handles, 9" x 10", one trivet, 6" square, one tea pot 7" H. plus one pitcher (cracked) not in count, 40 pcs. Total; also includes 2 Coalport green marked saucers inscribed: 'Original Engraving "Indian Tree" Period 1801'; other various 'Indian Tree' pieces with different makers and includes: Maddock, England marked butter plates (3) and one small bowl; one Bridgwood England marked butter dish; Soho Pottery Cambridge, England marked butter dishes (4), 51 total pieces; not included in count two 'as is' pitchers 5" & 7"

Dumouchelle Art Galleries