LENOX 'TUSCANY' PATTERN PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE, 92 PIECES:Including 12 dinner plates, Dia. 10 3/4", 12 salad plates, 12 bread and butter plates, 14 cups and 14 saucers, 13 fruit bowls, Dia. 5 3/8", 5 coupe soup bowls, Dia. 7 1/2", 3 oval vegetable bowls, L. 8 1/2" & 10" (two are 10 inches), 1 round vegetable bowl, Dia. 9 5/8", 1 teapot, H. 8", 1 creamer, 1 covered sugar bowl, 1 gravy boat with attached stand, and 2 oval platters, L. 16 3/8". Also included (not in the above count) are various Lenox pieces: 12 napkin rings, 1 pair of salt and pepper shakers, 1 under plate to a butter dish, 1 compote and 2 vases, H. 5" & 8 1/2".

Dumouchelle Art Galleries