CURRIER & IVES PRINT, 1872, 8 1/2" X 12 1/2" (IMAGE), 'THE FIRST COLORED SENATOR & REPRESENTATIVES':Printed below the image is the text "Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1872 by Currier & Ives, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Robert C. De Large, M.C. of S. Carolina Jefferson H. Long, M.C. of Georgia U.S. Senator H.R. Revels of Mississippi, Benj. S. Turner, M.C. of Alabama Josiah T. Walls, M.C. of Florida Joseph H. Rainy, M.C. of S. Carolina R. Brown Elliot, M.C. of S. Carolina The First Colored Senator And Representatives, In the 41st. And 42nd. Congress of the United States. New York, Published by Currier 7 Ives, 125 Nassau Street". Under glass, matted and framed.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries