LUNEVILLE, FRENCH 'FAIENCE' POTTERY SERVICE, 130 PIECES:Pattern similar to "Old Strasbourg", including 1 fish platter, L. 24" x 10"; 1 tureen L.12", H.8"; 1 tray, L.15 3/4" x 11 1/2"; 2 chop plates, 11 3/4"; 1 tray, L.14 1/2" x 10 1/2"; 1 tray, L.12 1/3" x 9"; 1 asparagus tray with drain, L.14" x 10"; 1 Poubelle de Table cracker jar, H.9", Dia.5 1/2"; 2 coffee pots, H.10"; 2 teapots, 7"; 1 candlestick H.8 1/2"; 3 leaf dishes, 7 1/3"; 1 powdered sugar shaker, H.9"; 1 gravy boat, 9 1/2"; 1 covered jar with pedestal base, 8 1/2"; 1 round tray, 13"; a pair salt and pepper shakers, 1 covered oven tureen, 9" x 7"; 1 open bowl with scalloped edge, 10 1/2" x 7 1/2"; 1 oven round open, Dia.7 3/4"; 2 rectangular trays, 14" x 10 1/2"; 1 oven oval open, 14" x 9"; 1 oval tray, 15" x 7"; 1 jam pot (no cover), H.2"; 1 square open bowl, 9 1/4" x 9 1/4"; 2 round covered vegetables, Dia.9", H.5"; 1 round serving bowl, 9 1/2"; 1 milk pitcher, 4 1/2"; 2 creamers, 4"- 5"; 2 covered sugars bowls, 4" - 5"; 2 shell dishes, 5", 10 1/2"; 30 dinner plates, 10" (12 with original scalloped edges); 15 salad plates, 8 1/4"; 1 salad plate, 8" (slightly different edge); 14 grand tasse (three with large chips); 1 demi tasse cup and saucer; 1 ashtray, 5 1/4"; 6 tea cups and 5 tea saucers; 6 bread plates, 5 3/4"; and 8 grand tasse saucers.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries