ULYSSES S. GRANT (1822-1885), 18TH PRESIDENT AUTOGRAPH SIGNED NOTE CARD & OTHER CORRESPONDENCE, SIX:Including 1 autograph signed note card (2 1/8" x 3 1/2"), in pencil, which reads "I wish the Postmaster General would see Mr. Griswold, of Md., the gentleman of whom I spoke to him. U. S. Grant, July 18th, 76"; 1 U. S. Grant calling card, hand-written in pencil on the reverse, a note to Honorable James N. Tyner, reading "Hon. Jas. N. Tyner, I will be in, and very glad to see you, on Monday as soon after 10 am, as suits your convenience, or Sunday -this- evening after dinner, say 8 o’clock pm.", in an envelope addressed to Tyner, in Paris; 1 card written in pencil "Gardiner G. Hubbard suggested as Commissioner under P. O. appropriation"; 1 card written in pencil "See P. M. Gen. [Post Master General] in regard in writing letter to the St. Louis P. M. to secure a placement with himself the Dept. Atty. or one of the officials for Jas. L. Blair, son of F. P. Blair whose family are left in very destitute circumstances."; 1 card written in pencil "David S. Holmes was sent from Connecticut to take chief place in the Boston P. O. He should be turned out and the P. M. allowed to name his successor." Together with 1 calling card for Mrs. U. S. Grant signed in ink by a caller ("Mrs. Sartoris", which happens to be the surname of President Grant’s third child, and only daughter, Nellie). All are contained within an envelope labeled "Post Office Department, Office of the Postma

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