COLONIAL NEW JERSEY DOCUMENTS (4), AUTOGRAPH SIGNED BY GOVERNORS, 18TH C. , INCLUDING WM. LIVINGSTON:Including 1 document signed by Robert H. Morris (1700-64), dated 1760, a Last Will and Testament of Jasper Smith, mentions two other parties involved Samuel Blackwood and William Seagrave; 1 document signed by Francis Bernard (1712-79), dated 1760, pertaining to the will of Bartholomew Falls; 1 document signed by William Livingston (1723-90, American statesman and first governor of the State of New Jersey), dated 1777, and pertaining to the will of Jacob Clements; and 1 document bearing Jonathan Belcher's signature (1682-1757), dated 1748, pertaining to the Last Will & Testament of Thomas Kimsey.

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