CHINESE PAPER CURRENCY, CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS & SINGLE NOTES, 1930-, 21: # TA-391138 / TA-391139 / TA-391140 / Matched Consecutive Serial Numbers Set of (3). - - # EL -918345 / EL-918346 / Matched Pair. Consecutive Serial Number. Set of (2). - - - - AW - 360603 / AW- 360604 / Matched Pair, Consecutive Serial Numbers. Set of (2). - - - # TG-577237 Circa 1930 Note. / # AB- 179476 & # AG - 777129 / Not a Matched pair. - GC - 076544 & 076547 / Numbers are not consecutive serial numbers. They LOOK Same. - CP-889223 & AY 893586. Look same / AHB Red Seals / AQE Red Seals missing Numbers / - - - # K-364618 H / #K-462680-D / BE -984219 (NO DATE). - - AE - 690361 Dated 1944. Poor Shape.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries