PATRIOTIC & UNION ENVELOPES J. M.WHITTEMORE,BOSTON, 1861 1 SET:"Liberty or Death" - Union Flag, Shield & Hat - Designed By R.P.Haines,Boston - Pub,J.M.W./ "Death to Traitors" - "Military Encampment' - Edward Cogan - 48 North Tenth Street, Phil./ "Music by the "Contra-Band" (black Boys) - S.C.Upham, 310 Chestnut St. - - - - / "What if a Hungry Rat should cross the path of an Elephant,squelch it, by Heaven,squelch it." ET-AL, Total Lot of Over, (90). Black & White Envelopes and Colored Envelopes Vignetes,etc./

Dumouchelle Art Galleries