TOWLE 'OLD MASTER' STERLING FLATWARE, 110 PIECES:Including 14 dinner knives, 16 dinner folks, 16 salad forks, 12 cream soups, 16 teaspoons, 12 bread and butter knives, 2 large serving spoons, one slotted; 2 large serving forks, one slotted; 1 ladle, 1 pie server, 1 carving fork and 1 carving knife, 1 cheese server, 1 pickle fork, and 1 slotted round serving spoon. Along with 10 additional serving pieces, including 1 Barker & Bros Ltd. Sterling tongs, and 1 Gorham sterling serving spoon. Having a total of 88.7 troy ounces weighable. For a high resolution photo

Dumouchelle Art Galleries