ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, "VISUALS" BY JOHN VASSOS, ETC BOOK LOT 5 PCS. :Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Silverado Squatters". Special printing by Charles Scribner & Son's; #35 of 380. First printing: 1883. 2) Visuals by John Vassos, text by Ruth Vassos. Signed by both authors, number 79 of 166. Published in 1929 by E.P. Dutton & Company, Inc. 3) CHARLES LATHAM, "IN ENGLISH HOMES", 1909, Published by Charles Scribner's Sons in 1909, This book details the most prestigious estates of England. Photographed by Charles Latham. Book 1 of 3. 4) BRINDLE, MAY, & LEVY, "ROLLS ROYCE: TWENTY SILVER GHOSTS" "Rolls Royce, Twenty Silver Ghosts: The Incomparable Pre-World War I Motor Car, 1907-1914". Paintings by Melbourne Brindle, Text by Phil May, Introduction by Julien Levy. Published by McGraw-Hill Book Company. 5) For a high resolution photo

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