VINTAGE BOOKS, TWELVE VOLUMES:Listed by author with title and copyright date, including: Alcott, Under the Lilacs [1888]; Chaillu, King Mombo [1920]; Doyle, Sir Nigel [1907]; Franck, Roaming Through The West Indies [1920]; Haggard, The Virgin of the Sun [1922]; Johnston, The Little Colonel [1901]; Kingston, Saved from the Sea, or The loss of the "Viper", and the Adventures of her Crew in the Great Sahara [1884], London, The Mutiny of the Elsinore [1914]; Nordhoff, Sailer Life on Man of War and Merchant Vessel [1884]; Salisbury, The Sea Gypsy [1924]; Speke, Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile [1864]; Starr, Farm Echoes [1881]; Thomas, The Sea Devil Count Luckner [1927]; For a high resolution photo

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