US MORGAN/PEACE SILVER DOLLAR COINS MS 60 - VF 20, 1896 - 1928, THIRTEEN:MORGAN: Liberty Head - 1896 - P, (1), Condition: Ear well Defined, Ear Bold, Hair over the Ear Has a small amount of missing hair showing a minor worn spot over the ear; Hair Lines over the Eye and above the Fore-head, are Detailed & strong. The Eagle's Feathers - No Trace of wear upon Eagle, Good Detail upon its Wings and Breast and Well Defined in detail, wing -tips are strong. The Feathers on the breast are Finely detailed. Grade: AU 50 - AU 53; Morgan: 1921- P, (2), Condition: Bag mark upon the outer edge rim of one of the coins. Liberty Head Ear well Defined upon both coins. Hair Lines Over Eye and above the Forehead are well Defined in detail. Nice Luster upon one. Both coins are tarnished, ( one is darker then the other). Few Blemishes & Light contact marks. The Eagle's Wing's and Wing -Tips are strong in detail. The Breast shows some detail. Grade: AU 58 - MS 60; MORGAN: 1921-S,(1) - Grade: VF - 20; PEACE: 1922 - P,S, (2) - Grade: VF 20 - AU 50; PEACE: 1923 - P, S, (4) - Grade: VF 20 - MS 60; PEACE: 1925-P, (1) - Grade: EF - 40; PEACE: 1926 - S, (1) - Grade: VG 8 - F 12; PEACE: 1928-S,(1) - Grade: VG 8 - F 12; For additional Photo's see the Web - WWW.dumouchelles.Com -

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