VICTORIAN RUBINA VERDE GLASS & SILVERPLATE PITCHER & RELISH BOWLS (2), LATE 19TH C. , H 2"-4 1/2", W 5"-6":Cranberry glass shaded to light green, including 1 pitcher with a squared mouth and thumbprint pattern, applied colorless glass rope handle, H.4 1/2"; 1 threaded bowl with ruffled rim, H.2 1/4" x 5 1/4", on a James Deakin & Sons silverplate leaf-form base with non-matching Gorham sterling silver olive spoon; and 1 round bowl with applied leaf motif about, H.2 1/4" x 6 1/2", on a silverplate stand with fixed handle adorned with flowers. Three items total. For a high resolution photo

Dumouchelle Art Galleries