NOME, ALASKA, VARIOUS TEXT DOCUMENTS FROM CATHERINE A. ANPHER (AMER.1885-1972), C. 1916-59, 22PCS.:Catherine A. Anpher was the Deputy U.S. Marshall for the district of Alaska from 1913 - 1921. She was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. Various text documents include: "The Eskimo" First Eskimo paper 1916-1918, 1939 editions; 1 Nome cookbook compiled by the "Woman's Society of Christian Service of The Methodist Church" 1955; 1 signed 12-4-54 "Poems of Alaska" paper back book by. Harold Salisbury; 1 letter wrote by Catherine Anpher to Hoboken, N.J. March 26, 1957; 1 certificate from the U.S. Marshall "ER Jordan" certifying Catherine A. Anpher as deputy U.S. Marshall district of Alaska. Made into 2 copies along with original; and 2 typed documents of the "Igloo Reindeer Fair March 23, 1917".

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