Artic Explorations by Dr. Kane, 1856, 2-vol. 1 and 1-vol. 2, Life of Dr. Kane by Elder, 1858, Great American Explorers , 1905, 3 vols., Exploring Expedition by Fremont, 1851, History of Wyoming by Miner, 1845, Anthony Adverse by Allen, 1933, Camp Fires of the Revolution by Watson, 1860, Pioneer Spirit , 1959, Westward Ho , 1947, Boswells Tour to the Hebrides , 1947, Seeing Canada by Faris, 1924, Artic Boat Journey by Hayes, 1867, American People by Von Raumer, 1846, Voyage to the Pacific Ocean by Stewart, 1828, Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain, 1883, and 11 others.

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