Twenty-two books on Midwifery to include Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Midwifery by Cazeaux, 1869, Beach's Midwifery , 1851, Bard's Midwifery , 1819, System of Midwifery by Dewees, 1807, Churchill's System of Midwifery , 1851, Meigs Practice of Midwifery , 1842, Hamiltons Midwifery , 1797, Playfairs Midwifery , 1878, Winckels Text Book of Midwifery , 1890, two Denmans Midwifery , 1807 and 1964, 3 vols. , Smellies Midwifery , 1766, and 6 others.

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