'NATURE IN CHINESE', ART BOOK & STORIES, ETC 1901- BOX LOT OF (20+):Hard bound books: 'Universal Classics Library Imperial Editions', VOL. I, II, III, etc,(5). 'The Epping Hunt' by Thomas Hood, esq. Derrydale Press, N.Y., NY. Dust cover, c.1930, (1). 'American Pewter' By Celia Jacobs, Pub. Herman Publishing, Boston, Mass, dust cover, 2nd Edition,(1). 'Ancient and Medieval History', (1). Shakespeare, c.1905 (1). 'American Medical Dictionary', (1). 'The Silver Chalice' by Thomas B.Costain 'First Edition' 1952, very good condition with jacket, (1). 'Lincoln's Gettysburg Address' & 'First and Second Inaugural Addresses', c.1909, (1). 'The Bethel Story with a History of The Jews In Michigan Before 1850 & In Detroit', (1). Comic books, some in 'as is condition. Star Wars posters Whitman Comics, etc,(6+). Art Books included and Story books, etc. For a high resolution photo

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