Four Colorless Pressed and Blown Glass Candlesticks, America, c. 1835, one Boston & Sandwich Glass Co., featuring a rare press-molded base, affixed with large wafer to a free-blown double-knopped shaft with columnar nozzle and galleried rim, pewter insert; the second Pittsburgh Glass Co. featuring a press-molded base with columnar shaft affixed to a free-blown double-knopped columnar candlecup, surmounted with a galleried rim, step-molded base; the third Pittsburgh with free-blown standard and socket, exhibiting an unusual joining at base of socket, press-molded, four-lobed, scalloped base with three steps, interior rayed pyramid pressing, pewter insert; the fourth Pittsburgh, with columnar candlecup and galleried rim, press-molded hexagonal baluster-form base, wafer-mounted with free-blown double-knopped shaft, 8 x 4 in. c. 1840, ht. 8 1/2, 9 1/8, 9 1/8, 8 5/8 in.
