Group of Miscellaneous Camera and Darkroom Equipment and Accessories, including a Bogen 22A Special photographic enlarger, Nikon N4004S camera body with AF Nikkor 35mm f/2 lens, Nikon FE2 body, a Nikkor AF 70-210mm zoom lens, Sekonic Digi Lite F, model L-328 light-meter with case, a Bogen model 3021 tripod, with Bogen #3030 head, Mamiya C220 with 80mm f/2. 8 lens pair, Arco Eight movie camera with f/1.8 lens, Kodak Automatic 35 Camera with 44mm f/2.8 lens in leather case, two developing canisters, camera filters, printing filters, 4 x 5 film holders, X-ray bag, and other accessories. Mamiya lens has later "Blue" dot.
