Three Clarice Cliff Bizarre and Fantasque Ware Items and a Lorna Bailey Sugar Shaker Art pottery England, early 20th century Small octagonal dish in Scarlet Flower pattern with a large red flower with green leaves and tracing, black Bizarre by Clarice Cliff stamp; a small plate in orange Picasso Flower with a cubist flower and geometric leaves in orange, green and black with yellow and blue rim; and a honeypot with lid in Trees and House (Alpine) with a cottage in a green, black and orange landscape; both with Fantasque by Clarice Cliff stamps, the honeypot also stamped "Honeyglaze"; and the conical form sugar shaker in House and Path pattern, marked and stamped Lorna Bailey on base; some wear; respective dia. 5, 6, ht. 3 1/2, 5 1/4 in.
