Limbert Three-piece Ebon-Oak Parlor Set: Settee, Armchair, and Rocker Oak Grand Rapids, Michigan, c. 1915 Each with curved crest rails supported by caned back splats flanked by two vertical slats with geometrically arranged ebony inlays, over straight, shaped arms with through-tenon joinery over ebony inlaid front legs, and a slightly arched apron, cushions reupholstered in brown leather; the settee and armchair with side stretchers, each with branded mark under arm; the rocker with foot off, all re-caned; settee 38 x 46 1/2 x 24 1/2; armchair, 38 x 27 1/2 x 23; rocker, 34 1/2 x 27 1/2 x 31 in. Provenance: Penny Marshall Collection. Recaned, refinished, and reupholstered.
