Set of Seven Classical Fancy Chairs, Worcester, Massachusetts, c. 1820, the outward flaring tablets centering grapevine devices flanked by eight-pointed stars, over balloon seats and vase and ring-turned legs, allover faux rosewood grained surface with green and yellow painted designs, one chair impressed with the name "SMITH KENDALL" on the back seat rail, (paint wear and imperfections), ht. 33, seat ht. 18 in. Note: Smith Kendall was the primary fancy painter at the Worcester Chair Factory, owned by Henry W. Miller, his brother-in-law, in the 1820s. Kendall died in Worcester in 1877. Literature: For more information on Smith Kendall, see Windsor-chair Making in America: From Craft Shop to Consumer by Nancy Goyne Evans, University of New England Press, (2006), p. 7. paint wear minor on most chairs, minor repaint and possible crest repairs.
