Yellow-painted Pine Shaker Freestanding Cupboard and Chest of Drawers, probably Enfield, New Hampshire, c. 1840, ht. 79, wd. 38, dp. 16 1/2 in. Provenance: Sold by the Shakers in 1923 for twenty dollars (a photocopy of the 1923 receipt is available). Dr. and Mrs. Charles Upton. Graham Duncan, Ithaca, New York. Richard Smith Axtell, Deposit, New York. Literature: For a cupboard similar in form, construction, and color, see Shaker Life, Work and Art , by June Sprigg and David Larkin, p. 139. In addition, the similar example referenced by the Andrews, and mentioned above, is pictured in their book Shaker Furniture , as plate 24. Note: Edward Deming Andrews and Faith Andrews called a piece similar to this form a "sill cupboard." This one has a rare half-moon cut-out to the shelf inside the door, which would have perfectly allowed for storage of an odd-shaped "Brethren's hat," leading to the impression that this cupboard might have originally been in the Brethren's House in Enfield.
