Needlework Sampler, "Wrought By Ruth Torrey in 1805," East Whitman, Massachusetts, worked in silk threads on a linen ground, with rows of alphabets above a house with ell addition over a panel with trees and potted flowers, enclosed in a scrolled flowering vine, (minor imperfections), 15 1/4 x 15 1/4 in. , in a molded giltwood frame. Note: According to two notes affixed to the reverse of the sampler, Ruth Torrey was the daughter of Josiah Torrey, Jr. and Ruth (Reed). Josiah and Ruth were married March 20th, 1783, according to Abington, Massachusetts vital records, and Ruth was born in July of 1794. It is believed that it is the Torrey house that is depicted on the sampler. The house was located in what is now East Whitman, Massachusetts, and was recorded as still standing in 1951. Fading, two small thin areas of linen background fabric at center left.
