Moses B. Russell Sketch-Book with Boston Scenes, Massachusetts, c. 1850s, small black leather-bound travel size sketchbook, each page filled with graphite and ink sketches depicting friends, acquaintances, activities, and scenes in Boston and nearby coastal areas, most signed or monogrammed by the artist; also included are a few sketches by the artist's wife, artist Clarissa (Peters), and many pages inscribed with bible and pious verses; a few of the scenes depicted are: Dorchester Heights, Boston Common, the ship Ohio on the day of its arrival after a three-year cruise, old Charlestown Bridge, Quincy Market, the Big Elm in Boston Common, Swampscott, Ship Vermont, Navy Yard Charlestown, hauling in and weighing out fish at Boston Harbor from Grand Banks, Marblehead, Massachusetts, East Boston, Commercial St. Boston; 4 7/8 x 3 1/4 in.
