Silver Plated Brass Souvenir Vase made from the propeller of a Civil War Ship, late 19th century, the bottom of the vase inscribed "This Little Vase is a souvenir of the metal of the propeller off the U. S.S. Hartford The Flagship of Admiral Farragut During the Civil War to Shirley Barbour," ht. 3 5/8 in. Note: David Glasgow Farragut (1801-1870) was a flag officer of the United States Navy during the American Civil War. He was the first rear admiral, vice admiral, and full admiral of the Navy. He entered the navy during the War of 1812 at only 12 years of age and commanded a British prize ship bringing her safely to port. Later he made a great contribution to the Union victory in the Civil War, despite being from Virginia, in capturing New Orleans and opening the Mississippi to the North, and sunk the Confederate warships in Mobile, Alabama, closing the Confederacy's last major Gulf port.
