William Hogarth (British, 1697-1764) The Four Times of Day: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night Signed and titled in the plates. Four engravings on paper (posthumous edition), plate sizes to 19 1/2 x 15 5/8 in. (49.3 x 39.6 cm), unmatted, unframed. Condition: Staining along bottom edge and toning to all edges, Evening and Night each with a small tear l.l. edge, Night with soiling u.r. margin. N.B. This set of engravings is described by Joseph Burke and Colin Caldwell in Hogarth: The Complete Engravings as after four paintings by Jonathan Tyers from about 1736. Morning , Noon , and Night were executed by Hogarth, while Evening was engraved by B. Baron. They parody well-known public scenes of middle class and vulgar entertainment in London. Morning is set in Covent Garden in winter. Noon depicts a street in spring with the steeple of St. Giles-in-the-Fields in the distance. Evening is set in summer at Sadler's Wells, and Night shows a street leading to Charing Cross. (Burke and Caldwell, 177-180)
