Four Ninth-plate Early Photographic Portraits of Young Soldiers, three ambrotypes: a soldier wearing a forage cap and holding the hilt of his sword, one with his hair parted to the side and wearing a military jacket, and one of two men seated, wearing kepis; a tintype of a 22-year-old Union soldier who reportedly is identified in an obituary found in the case: "Luther White of East Douglass, Massachusetts, Co. D, 18th Reg. Conn. Vol., who was taken prisoner in a battle near Staunton, for nine months and who died at Libby prison, Annapolis, Maryland... of exposure and want of food" on March 14, 1865, leaving his parents and widow and young son; mounted in combination "The Camp Scene/Scroll," "Union Forever/Scroll," "Union and Constitution/Scroll," and "The Liberty Cap, Flags, and Shield" (Krainik 368/510, 370/498, 373/517, 372) Union cases, (imperfections).