Seventeen Assorted Historical, Commemorative, and Collectible Medals, including a rectangular Freemasonry medal commemorating the dedication of the House of the Temple, 1915; a New York City Democratic National Convention medal, 1924; a Karl Gustaf XV, King of Sweden, coronation medal, 1973; a New England Gladiolus Society award, 1940; a Hackney Bros. Body Co. centennial medal, 1954; a San Diego 200th Anniversary medal, 1969; a First National City Bank "150 Years of Service" medal, 1962; a National Surety Company/Joyce Silver Jubilee Medal, 1929; a Mathieson Chemicals "Fifty Years of Service" medal, 1942; a Joan of Arc gilded plaster medallion; a Travelers Insurance Company 10th Anniversary Testimonial medal, 1925; a mounted Fritzsche Brothers Incorporated 75th Anniversary medal, 1946; a United States Army Indian Wars medal of service; a United States Bicentennial medallion, 1976; and an "Unveiling Washington Monument" commemorative badge, 1897.
