Seven Ninth-plate Union Cases with Eleven Early Photography Portraits, seven ambrotypes: including an elderly bearded man and his wife who is wearing a black lacy cap, an elderly man and middle-aged woman, a young woman wearing a bonnet, and another middle-aged woman; three tintypes: two of women, one with two locks of hair under the glass, and a young bearded man; and a combination ambrotype and tintype of a middle-aged man and wife, identified as "Matthew R. Moore" and "Mary Moore" in inscriptions on paper labels in the case; the portraits mounted in "Scroll," "Basket of Fruit in Oval," "Geometric/Floral," "Belt Buckle and Chain," "Scroll," and "Scroll" (Krainik 464, 403, 400, 454, 397, 491, 489) Union cases, (minor imperfections).
