Eight Daguerreotypes of Painted Portraits, a half-plate size portrait of a young woman identified on a note inscribed "Mrs. William Dwight of Brookline, Mass./Daughter of Judge White of Salem and Granddaughter of Dr. Wilder of South Lancaster..."; two quarter-plate size: a folk portrait of a woman wearing a sheer white bonnet and a portrait of a young woman; five sixth-plate size: a folk art portrait of a woman wearing spectacles and a sheer white bonnet, two of folk portraits of gentlemen, one of an elderly gentleman identified in inscriptions on the reverse "Dr. William Paine born 15 June 1750/Died 19 Ap 1839," and one of a folk painting of a lady wearing a bonnet with a striped sash; the first six portraits mounted in pressed-paper/leather cases, the seventh in a thermoplastic frame, the last portrait has no frame or case (clipped together), (imperfections).
