Group of Cabinet Cards, Stereocards, and Miscellaneous Photos, approx. sixty cabinet cards, highlights including three portraits of Sir George Henschel (Isidor Georg Henschel, 1850-1934), a German-born British baritone, pianist, conductor, and composer, and also the first conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1881, two signed and dated; one of Wilhelm Gericke (1845-1925), an Austrian-born conductor and composer who worked in Vienna, and in Boston conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra from 1884 to 1889 and 1898 to 1906, artist William Henry Hilliard (1836-1905); one of a young lady with flowing curled hair by noted photographer Abaham Bogadus, a New York firefighter, a locomotive conductor; eleven of children, two with a cat, two with a dog, several of clergymen, two female Salvation Army workers, six brides, four stereo cards including Principal Entrance to the Capitol, from the East Side. , three of Independence Hall, Philadelphia; a tintype of two couples, and three cartes-de-visites portraits.
